Isaiah 58:11 talks of God guiding us, providing us with water, and giving us strength.
This brought an inspired phrase that where God guides, he provides. We all have dreams, aspirations, goals, and plans that we want to achieve. However, we know that also has a plan for us; therefore, to accomplish our purpose in life, we cannot do it alone.
Consequently, we need God’s guidance or get frustrated if we do it on our own. Therefore seeking God’s guidance in all aspects of life is essential as it keeps us aligned with God’s plan. If we allow God to be at the wheel, we are always safe and confident that everything will work in our favor. We also become optimistic as we know that God never fails.
Whether it is work, parenting, relationships, addiction, ministry, or any other aspect of life, God’s guidance remains supreme for all to be well.
Guidance in work
God initiated work during creation, and for us to have bread on the table, we must work. However, we need God to secure the right job in operations, decision making, and how we relate with seniors or subordinates. Therefore in whichever aspect of our economic endeavors, we need God to guide us.
Proverbs 16:3 requires us to commit all that we do unto the Lord for it to succeed. Therefore be it hiring, plans related to business, or any activity that requires a breakthrough, we should always commit it to the Lord for it to be established.
Prayer or guidance in work
Dear Lord, I know that you never fail. I believe that you created me for a purpose and always have a good plan for me. I pray that in whatever I do may you guide me. Please grant me the knowledge and wisdom to make informed decisions about my life and endeavors.
I pray that you may bless the work of my hands and help me to be a blessing to others. I pray that I may never lack and help me to live a purposeful life. Be my provider and my help when I lose direction. May your blessings humble me and acknowledge your grace and power in my life. Amen

Guidance in parenting
Proverbs 22:6 advises parents to show the children the way to follow, and they will not depart from it at their old age.
Parenting can sometimes be challenging because we are not sure if we are following the right approach. In addition, no one is perfect, and in the process f bringing up our children, we may make mistakes that may implicate our children’s life negatively.
Therefore, parents need wisdom and understanding to ensure that they can make informed decisions for their children’s lives and help them live according to God’s plan for them. Therefore, it is always good to seek guidance from God on issues that may arise in parenthood and always put children in the hands of God.
Prayer for guidance in parenting
Heavenly Father, you started the family in the Garden of Eden and saw it is good. Thank you because above love, you gave families the blessings of having children. Thank you because I know some may not be as fortunate to have a child, and I am grateful.
Please make me a good steward in raising my children according to thy will, guiding them to know you and acknowledge you in every aspect of their life. Grant me wisdom so that whatever they need physically, psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually I can help them accordingly.
Wonderful counselor, may you dwell in my family, and may you help us to uphold your grace and mercies every morning and every evening. Protect us and help us in times of need. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Guidance in relationships
Christians have the greatest commandment as love. However, some aspects of life may affect how we relate with others, whether friends, relatives, partners, and even non-believers.
Paul speaking to Corinthians tells them to be firm, strong, on guard, and courageous in doing everything in love(1 Corinthians 16:13).
These are the principles we should use to handle our relationship. Therefore being on guard means that we should be alert to the devil’s work in bringing disunity amongst us, resulting in broken families and society.
Thus, when we are courageous enough, we can love, forgive, and live in peace with others despite what comes in between. In addition, forgiving and having a kind heart is an expression of love. God loved us and still loved us with all our brokenness; therefore, when we emulate this, we can relate with others in harmony bound by love.
Prayer for guidance in a relationship
Almighty Father, your love was expressed by your selfless act of giving us Jesus Christ to die for us at the cross. All our iniquities were carried away by the blood of Jesus Christ, and we gained redemption.
Father God, you also gave us the greatest commandment as love. I pray that you may help me to have a heart like yours to be loving, tolerant, forgiving, and understanding. May you help me when always to have control of my actions and give me a pure heart full of love.
Please help me be an icon of forgiveness in every situation for your glory. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Guidance through addiction
As believers, life is full of temptations and endless desires that may seem good but ultimately lead to death. These temptations may have chained you and affected your relationship with God.
The more you try to get out of the captivity, the more you find it is hard until you involve God in the situation. Believers who know God is our father and seek what He says in every situation do not remain captive as freedom and redemption are what God gave us through Jesus Christ.
God knows that temptations that come to you are beyond what you can bear, so he usually gives a way out (1 Corinthians 10:13-14).
Therefore, if you struggle with temptation, the only way out is to seek God’s guidance through His word and pray for deliverance; ultimately, God will help you out.
Prayer for guidance out of addiction
Dear God, I believe that those who trust in you will never be put to shame. Please help me in my weaknesses and be my strength. I pray that you may transform all my struggles, iniquities, and pain into joy and give me thy comfort.
I put my hope in you with an assurance that you are with me in the midst of the struggle and my captivity, and you will set me free. I believe that whoever the Son sets free is free indeed. Believe I am saved in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Guidance in the ministry
Proverbs 11:14 Bible says where there is guidance in abundance, there is safety, and where it lacks, people fall.
Any ministry work requires more God’s guidance and less of our understanding. In ministry, it is good to avoid relying on our knowledge, education, and perceptions towards issues but understand what God has to say in every issue. When we do that, God grants us wisdom generously and makes informed decisions in the ministry.
It is, therefore, good to know when God is speaking to us as a way of guidance for our ministry to be firm and grounded according to God’s will.
Prayer for guidance in the ministry
Lord, submit my life and my ministry to you. Please help me trust you in every situation and decision and not lean on my understanding. I pray that you may always direct my paths and help me Follow your directions.
I believe that when you lead me, I will always be aligned with your will and my calling. I believe that you will bring to accomplish the good work you started. I believe that through Christ Jesus, I am more than a conqueror.
Closing prayer
Dear Lord, I know that your purpose for my life will always prevail. Forgive me for the times I have leaned on my thoughts and understanding. I pray that you may always help me to align all my plans, my decisions, my ways, and my actions to your will.
Please help me to trust your direction and give me grace in all my endeavors. I believe that when you guide me, all shall be well, and your name will be glorified in all situations. Thank you for your love and care. I believe my life is safe, and all my endeavors will be established in our hands. I trust and believe in you in Jesus’ name. Amen.