Sometimes the more you talk to and get to know God, the less worthy you feel in comparison to His great love and grace. Thankfully, the Bible is full of good news: stories that highlight the imperfections of those whom He redeems.
You are not Condemned by Your Past. Rather, you are Saved by Your Future.
The author of the book of Galatians, Paul, was a poster-child for rule-following. In terms of adhering to Jewish law and studying, he proclaims “I was advancing in Judaism beyond many Jews my own age and was extremely zealous for the traditions of my fathers” (Galatians 1:14, New International Version).
Under this devout Judaism, Paul even persecuted Christians believing them to be heretics (Galatians 1:13)!
Yet, on the road to Damascus, Jesus appears to Paul, and Paul submits to Him. Jesus sends His disciple, Ananias, to help Paul. Ananias resists by reminding the Lord that Paul was on his way to arrest all those who believed in Jesus.
Yet Jesus responds, “Go! This man is my chosen instrument to carry my name before the Gentiles and their kings and before people of Israel” (Acts 9:15). And that’s just what Paul does.
The book of Galatians is Paul’s letter to believers still stuck in the legalistic ways of Judaism. The new churches wanted to believe in Christ, but were confused on what to do with old laws, (in this case, circumcision.)
Paul basically says that Jesus doesn’t care whether one is circumcised. He cares what is inside the heart. Following the rules of Jewish law will not save a man. Thank God for that, because we would all be doomed! We all fall short of customs and laws. If not, then we wouldn’t need a Savior, and Jesus would have died in vain.
Even the Galatians were so wrapped up in the circumcision debate that they neglected other Jewish laws. We are sinful, not perfect. Praise God, though, that we will not spend eternity in hell for our imperfections. God promises an eternity with Him in Heaven because Jesus died for our sins. Your past does not matter to God. He is concerned with where your heart will be now and in the future.
Imperfect People Redeemed by a Perfect Lord
Here are a few examples of sinners whose pasts are wiped clean. God used them and offers them eternal life through Christ.

- The Samaritan woman at the well (John 4:1-42) – She chose to go at noon because it was less crowded then. She wanted to hide in shame. Not only was she a Samaritan, a hated group for the Jews, but she had a sordid past even for her own culture. She was surprised with Jesus’ interaction because men did not speak to women, and Jews did not speak to Samaritans. Her third strike was her record of 5 marriages and living in sin with a 6th man, of which Jesus spoke to show her that He already knew her. He saw who she was and yet offered eternal life. This woman with that track record actually went off to tell others about what had happened to her and led many to believe.
- The adulteress (John 8:1-11) – A crowd of men gathered to stone her to death for breaking the law. Jesus said that only one without their own sin could throw a stone. Of course, Jesus is the only man without sin. Jesus did not condemn her either. Instead, he asked for a cleaner future.
- King David (2 Samuel 5:13; 7:8-16) – Although he was a king, David was a sinner just like the rest of us. He had numerous mistresses. His heart, however, burned for the Lord. He restored the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem to illustrate his nation’s commitment to God. God blessed David beyond his wildest dreams not in spite of his sins, but because of his heart.
- Peter – a disciple and a sinner – (Luke 22:54-62; John 21:15-25; Acts 2:14-41). Peter was one of Jesus’ 12 disciples. He followed Him and loved him. He also denied Him – not once, but three times. Yet after He is resurrected, Jesus makes a point of speaking directly to Peter and allowing him not one – but three chances to affirm his love for Christ. Peter then goes on to do what Jesus called Him to do and spread the good news. In just one day, for example, Peter helped convert 3,000 people!
What Barriers can you Overlook?
As believers, we are called to share the good news. What barriers are you willing to cross? Racial? Economic? Ethnic? Cultural? Jesus crossed them all. The gospel is too precious to withhold due to personal pasts or traditions. Share with the man living on the streets, the woman in prison, or the top executive. It doesn’t matter who it is. Everyone is worthy of and in need of His word.
Merciful Father,
Forgive me. I know I’ve let you down. Thank you for loving me no matter how messy my past has been. Your gospel brings me good news of grace, mercy, redemption, and eternal life. Help me step out of my comfort zone to share this good news with others. Please let me see others the way that You see them.
Erase barriers in my mind and fill me with your Holy Spirit instead. Let it guide me in offering hope to people of all different backgrounds the way you met the Samaritan at the well, the woman facing death, King David, and Peter.
In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen