
Having Faith that Moves Mountains

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Matthew 17:20 (TPT)
He told them, “It was because of your lack of faith. I promise you, if you have faith inside of you no bigger than the size of a small mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move away from here and go over there,’ and you will see it move! There is nothing you couldn’t do!

Jesus spoke these words to the disciples shortly after a big disappointment in their lives. Shortly after Peter, James and John had witnessed the glorious transfiguration of Jesus while he was joined by Moses and Elijah, they encountered a large crowd of people waiting for Christ when they came off the mountain. Out of the entire crowd, one particular man came up to Jesus, knelt down in front of him and asked him to heal his epileptic son. According to the father, the seizures were a result of a demon who afflicted him, regularly causing him to fall into the cooking fire and the river (Matthew 17:15). The father’s desperation becomes even more apparent by his next statement.

Matthew 17:16 (TPT)
I brought him to your followers, but they weren’t able to heal him.

The same disciples who were granted the right to see Jesus’ glorified body along with two of the most legendary figures from the Old Testament weren’t able to heal a boy who suffered from seizures. More notably, they weren’t able to cast the demon that caused the seizures out of the boy. That fact is what sparked Jesus’ disappointment in His disciples. The words that Jesus spoke to His disciples were harsh.

Matthew 17:17 (TPT)
Jesus replied, “Where is your faith? Can’t you see how wayward and wrong this generation is? How much longer do I stay with you and put up with your doubts? Bring your son to me.

Jesus didn’t pull any punches. In front of a desperate father, He called out His disciples for their lack of faith. By this point, they had been walking with him for roughly three years. They had seen Him cast out demons. They had seen Him raise the dead. They had seen Him cause the blind to see, the deaf to hear, the mute to speak and the lame to walk. Yet somehow, they didn’t have enough faith to pray with the expectation needed to cast the demon out of the boy.

The Bible says that when the father brought his epileptic child to Jesus that Jesus rebuked his demon, it came out of him and the boy was instantly healed (Matthew 17:18). Later in the day, after they had recovered from their public disciplining from Jesus, the disciples asked Him why they weren’t able to do the same thing.

That’s why Jesus opened His response in Matthew 17:20 with the phrase, “It was because of your lack of faith.”

Before we dive into how to develop the kind of faith that Jesus expected His disciples (and us) to have, we need to clear something up. First of all, Jesus wasn’t telling the disciples to literally move a mountain with their prayer. The terms “mustard seed” and “mountain” were used to illustrate the power of a little bit of faith. According to Mark 4:31-32, mustard seeds are the smallest of all the seeds. So Jesus was comparing the smallest seed imaginable with a mountain to show the power of faith.

Additionally, this verse doesn’t mean that you can say a prayer and God will magically put millions of dollars into your bank account. Tragically, over the years, unscrupulous people have twisted this verse and other Scriptures like it in order to manipulate others. These verses are not meant to be used as get rich quick scheme or some way to manipulate God into dropping a new car into your garage. Instead, these verses are talking about the kind of faith that is needed to change your life and the lives of those around you.

This verse doesn’t promise that God will make you wealthy, but it does indicate that if you pray for a financial blessing and combine that prayer with faith that God will supply all of your needs. Perhaps He will bless you with a job that you need.

Perhaps you’ve never been in a position where you need to cast a demon out of someone. That doesn’t mean that having mountain-moving faith isn’t important. You may have never been on the receiving end of a desperate parent seeking help for their sick child. That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t look for ways to increase your faith. So, how do you get enough faith to be able to move a mountain?

Spend Time Reading the Bible
Romans 10:17 (ESV)

So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.

One of the most powerful ways to increase your faith is to regularly spend time reading the Bible. When we approach the Bible as a living, active vessel through which God speaks to His people, we begin to view it as more than just a collection of stories. When you sit down and start truly reading the Scriptures, allowing God to speak to you through them, your faith begins to grow.

The Bible is filled with countless stories concerning God’s goodness to His people. In the Old Testament, you can find stories about God supernaturally providing for His children. You can find stories about Him protecting them from enemies who were bigger, stronger and faster than they were. In the New Testament, there are plenty of stories about Jesus healing people simply by speaking His Word over them or touching them.

The best part about all that is the fact that God hasn’t changed! The same God of the Old Testament who protected and provided for His people through His divine power can do the same for you. The same Jesus who healed and delivered people in the New Testament is active in the life of His followers today. When you allow the Word of God to truly get inside your soul, you will have increased faith because you know that you’re trusting in the same God who the Bible talks about.

Making Prayer a Priority
Jeremiah 33:3 (ESV)

Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.

One of the most important parts of any relationship is communication. If God’s Word is His way of speaking to His children, prayer is our way of talking back. No matter what type of relationship you’re thinking of, communication is key. When you’re trying to increase your faith, you should make sure that you are prioritizing regular prayer.

In Mark chapter 9, we read another account of the same story from Matthew 17. However, in this story, the father of the epileptic demon possessed boy makes another plea. After Jesus had told him that everything was possible for those who believe (Mark 9:23), the man responded like this:

Mark 9:24 (ESV)
Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, “I believe; help my unbelief!”

Prayer can help increase your faith. A great prayer to start with is a prayer for more faith. Ask God to help you with your own personal unbelief.

Connecting with Others
Proverbs 27:17 (ESV)

Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.

The Bible teaches us that God shows no favoritism between people (Acts 10:34). When we become truly connected with other believers, God’s provision in their lives can encourage us. Why? Because whatever God did for them, He is willing to do for you!

Whatever your version of connecting with other believers looks like is up to you. Maybe it’s a small group Bible study at someone’s house with several other Christians. Maybe it’s a weekly trip to the coffee shop with a close friend. Whatever form it takes on, allow God to use others to increase your faith in Him.

A Closing Prayer:
God, I believe in You and the truths of Your Word. However, like the man who had the son who suffered from seizures, I need You to help my unbelief. Give me the power to overcome my doubts and allow my faith to grow. Let me have the kind of faith it takes to move mountains in my life and the lives of those around me. In Christ’s name, Amen

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