God wrote a book and it is still the best selling Book of all time. It is the greatest love story ever told and will continue to be told. If its sales continue as they have, no other book will outsell it.
It is about history and His story. It is about what happened in the past as well as what will occur in the future. Events predicted thousands of years ago are manifesting in front of our eyes. Mark 13:8 states: “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.”
A quick glance of any news outlet will confirm that problems with global health, the environment and tensions between nations could easily be a fulfillment of that prophecy.
God’s Book is comprised of 66 mini books within it. It starts out with the dramatic creation of the heavens and the earth. God spends six days working hard to make the sun, moon and stars. He separated day from night and the skies from the seas below. He called the dry land under the skies “earth” (Gen. 1:10).
He created an entire universe with all the intricacies, and placed within it life in the form of vegetation and animals. He gave them instructions to have recreate. After six days of intense labor, he looked at all the majestic and heavenly work that He did and saw that it was good. And, on the seventh day, he rested.
However, He knew that the beautiful garden he created would need someone to care for it. So, He saved the highest form of His creations for last. He created someone in His own image. He put man, called Adam, in the garden to care for it. After some time, God brought a wife into the picture for companionship and to help him with all his responsibilities. They lived a good life until they disobeyed one of God’s command.

Fast forward to the New Testament, the dramatic fall of the original two inhabitants caused man to be in a perpetual state of falleness. At one point, God was so angry with His creation that He regretted making them. After He’d had enough, He destroyed man and beast in a worldwide flood. The only survivors were his faithful servant, Noah, his family and two animals of every species.
Though the perfect place of man in the heart of God was no longer perfect, He wanted a relationship with humans, and knew how to redeem them to Himself. It is what makes His Book the greatest love story ever told. He would send His only Son, Jesus, to earth so that He could restore the relationship that He had with man before the Fall.
Herein is the love story. God wanted to create humans that were similar in nature to Him and His Son. Thus, Genesis 1:27 states, “So God created human beings in his own image.
In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” The love that He had for man meant that not only was he the highest form of creation, but that he would have dominion over the other created beings (Gen. 1:26). Yet, the Fall separated man from God. In order to have a relationship with Him once again, God had to give what mattered most to Him: His only Son.
Jesus knew this and was willing to do His Father’s will even though it meant a cruel death as a guilty man on a cross. But, He knew it had to be done, and He did it. After three days, the Bible tells us that Jesus experienced one of the greatest miracles on record. He rose from the dead. This is the act that allowed God’s relationship with man to be restored. This sacrifice. And, it was for you, personally, and for all those who want a relationship with God.
The Bible tells us how it can be achieved in Romans 10:9. So, if you want a relationship with God, follow the those instructions which state: “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” It is that simple. Then pray and ask God to lead you to a church with sound Bible teaching where you can continue to grow as a Christian.