
Wisdom from the Psalms: Meditating Helps Heal

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Psalm 77:12

“I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds.”

Meditating may seem like a New Age practice, but the Bible actually talks about meditation in detail. To meditate simply means to think deeply about something; to concentrate on a principle or piece of information until it becomes a part of what you believe.

These days, meditating can be easier said than done. It’s no secret that we’ve got a lot on our minds. Between our family, work, and school obligations, it can be difficult to find a few moments of quiet time to reduce stress and organize our thoughts.

The book of Psalms offers practical advice for Christians when it comes to meditating. One of the keys to successful meditation is to read the Word of God and concentrate on what you’ve read.

Psalm 119:15

“I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways.”

This means that after we learn about what God wants for our lives, we should focus on these things by reminding ourselves of these precepts often.

We can do this by reading the Bible daily, listening to songs that help us meditate on the ways of God, or keeping a journal to remind ourselves of the ways God has revealed Himself to us.

It’s also important that we evaluate what we’re meditating on often so we can make sure that our thoughts are pleasing to God. The more we endeavor to think in ways that reflect the goodness of God, the easier it will be to remind ourselves that God is wise and loving in good times as well as bad.

Psalm 104:34

“may my meditation be pleasing to him, for I rejoice in the Lord.”

This means that when we find our happiness in the Lord, we have a desire to align our thoughts with God’s will.

These are just a few of the Psalms that will help improve your meditation. You can meditate in the mornings before the start of the day, throughout the day when you need to take a short break, or in the evenings before you go to bed. Any time is the right time to think about the beauty of a relationship with God and how you can improve your connection to Him.

Pray This Prayer

Lord, meditating can be a difficult task at times. Right now, our world is experiencing some extreme changes, and I find myself more concerned about my family, job, and future than ever before.

I ask that you soothe my mind, comfort my heart, and remind me to meditate on your word, and your love, daily. Thank you for being patient with me as I strive to learn to become more like you. Amen.

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