
5 Tips to Live Close to God’s Heart

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For most believers, our faith is the most important thing in our lives. But that does not mean it is easy to keep. We can often find it easy to get distracted by the world and forget about God. But the good news is that staying close to God is easier than we think.

The Bible says that when we live close to God, we will experience peace. It is the closest thing to heaven on earth. The more we live close to God, the more we will see His blessings in our lives. Here are five simple tips that will help you to live close to God’s heart:

Make time for fellowship

One of the best ways to live close to God’s heart is by spending time with other Christians. Having fellowship with other believers is essential, whether with a Christian mentor or weekly bible studies. When you spend time with other believers, you will see God’s power at work in their lives.

That’s because the purpose of the fellowship is not just to share what you know about God but also to learn from each other. To truly live close to God’s heart, you must put others above yourself. That means you cannot just go to bible study or church and then spend the rest of the day on your own. You have to make room in your schedule for fellowship with other believers.

Pray for Others

Another important way to live close to God’s heart is to pray for others. Prayer is the most powerful way to connect with God. It is also the easiest way to connect with others.

When you pray for others, you are connecting with the heart of God. And when you connect with God’s heart, you connect with other people. There are thousands of different people globally, so it is almost impossible for us to connect with everyone the way we want to.

Don’t Judge

Living close to God’s heart is all about acceptance and forgiveness. The closer you are to God, the less judgmental you will be. You will see God’s grace in others, but you will feel less defensive and more accepting of others.

Living close to God’s heart does not require you to judge others. It simply requires you to accept them as they are, just as God accepts you.

Obey Your Christian Calling

Living close to God’s heart is all about serving others. The closer you are to God, the more you want to help others. When you live close to God’s heart, you experience His genuine desire for your life.

Many Christians find themselves in places where they are not serving others enough. It is because they are too busy trying to serve themselves. The closer you are to God, the more you want to help others.


Another essential way to live close to God’s heart is to disciple others. The best way to make disciples is to start with yourself and submit to Christ first. When you obey God’s commandments, you are putting yourself in a position to make a difference in the world. But that doesn’t mean that you need to do everything yourself.

The closer you are to God, the more you can disciple others. If you do not want to start a ministry, you can still disciple others by sharing your faith with them. Discipleship is about reaching out to others and inviting them to hear about God.

Go to Church

Another important way to live close to God’s heart is to go to church. The reason that Christians start coming to church is to learn about God’s Word. But once they learn the Bible, they stop studying the Bible and start mingling with other people. You meet God’s people in the church and have a good time with them.

The goal of going to church is not to listen to a sermon but to spend time with other believers. Going to church is like a training camp. That is because it is where you practice the things that are essential for living close to God’s heart. It includes fellowship, prayer, and Spending time with other believers.

Make Jesus the Center of Your Life

The final tip for how to live close to God’s heart is to make Jesus the center of your life. One of the problems many Christians face is taking their faith for granted. They assume that they live close to God because they go to church. But that’s not the case. We need to understand that even the most faithful believers will slip up sometimes.

That is why we must keep our eyes on Jesus. If we forget to keep our eyes on Jesus, we will get distracted. It is also important to remember that we cannot live close to God’s heart if we do not know Him. The best way to make sure that you stay close to God’s heart is to make Jesus the center of your life.

Closing Prayer

According to 1st Chronicles 16:11, the Bible says, “Look upon the Lord and His strength; always seek his face.” As a Christian, you should always aim to live closer to God to enjoy His benefits even more.

God, thank You for loving me. Help me to remember that it’s because of You that I am blessed in so many ways. Amen.

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