
A Prayer for Your Child

2 Mins read

Being a parent is one of the greatest gifts that God has ever given to humanity, while also being one of the most solemn responsibilities that any of us could possibly tackle.

Even in the times when it feels like parenting is stressful, frustrating, and you believe that you’re failing miserably, take heart in the fact that God hand selected you to parent the child (or children) in your life.

While there is obviously more to parenting than praying for your child, spending daily time in prayer for your child is one of the greatest things you can do for him or her.

Pray These Verses:

Isaiah 54:13 (NIV)

All your children will be taught by the Lord, and great will be their peace.

Psalm 127:3-4 (NIV)
Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth.

Pray This Prayer:

God, I declare this verse over my child today and believe that (INSERT YOUR CHILD’S NAME HERE) will be taught by You and [his or her] peace will be great. I know that there are countless influences on my children, as their teachers, their friends, culture, and entertainment all have ways of shaping the kind of person that [he or she] will become.

I’m asking that You surround them with Godly influences that would motivate them to seek Your face, even when they’re not in our home. God, I’m keenly aware that there are things in [his or her] life that will spark feelings of stress and anxiety, but I also know that You have promised that my child will experience great peace.

Today, I humbly ask that You allow them to experience Your peace that surpasses all human understanding in the midst of anything that [he or she] encounters. Lord, help me to remember that everything I say or do in front of my child is an opportunity to be a direct reflection of You, a reflection that [he or she] will carry for the rest of [his or her] life.

I know that even at [his or her] age, that [he or she] knows the truth of the Gospel and the presence of the Holy Spirit. Allow Your Spirit to minister to [him or her] constantly throughout the day and remind [him or her] of who they are in You. In Christs’ name I ask these things, Amen.

Thank God:

Today God, I thank You for choosing me to be (INSERT YOUR CHILD’S NAME HERE) parent. I know that You have hand selected me for this role, and I want to be the best reflection of You that I can be in every interaction I have with my child.

Thank You for the person that You created [him or her] to be, and for allowing me to play a role in the person that [he or she] will be going forward.

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