
Jesus Has Abolished Death and Brought Life

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“Therefore I endure all things for the elect’s sake, that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory. It is a faithful saying: For if we be dead with him, we shall also live with him; If we suffer, we shall also reign with him: if we deny him, he also will deny us: If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself” (KJV, 2 Tim. 2:10-13).

“Therefore I endure all things for the elect’s sake”

Father, I thank You for calling me to Yourself. You called me out of a dark world into Your marvelous light. There was nothing special in me or any merit that caught Your attention. I was deep in sin, but You called me by Your grace. To whom You will show mercy You show mercy to whom You will have compassion You have compassion.

However, even though I am in Christ and Christ is in me, I still need Your help each day. When left to myself, I begin to sink into the waters of life, much like Peter. I fail and fall short of Your glory. Nevertheless, I will wait upon You like David. I will look to You as Isaiah told me so that I can mount up on eagles’ wings. Please, help me to endure. Help me to look to You with the eyes of faith and persevere like the Saints in Hebrews 11.

“that they may also obtain the salvation”

Father, I need to know if I am in the faith. I believe in Jesus as my Lord and Savior, but I pray that You would give me an unshakable assurance. I see that assurance is only for the one who is walking according to Your Word. Therefore, teach me to apply Your Scriptures in greater measure so that I can be assured of my salvation.

I also see the need for the lost to know Jesus. Teach me Your Gospel, and help me to proclaim Your Gospel. I know that Your Gospel is the power of God unto salvation. However, I find that sometimes I can feel ashamed of Your Gospel. I seek to avoid conversations that make me feel uncomfortable. I also find that I would rather avoid confrontational situations. But I see that Paul was unashamed, and I pray that You would make me like him.

“which is in Christ Jesus”

The salvation You offer is only in Christ Jesus. While there are competing beliefs in the world, I know that Jesus is the only name under heaven given to man whereby man can be saved. Jesus is the way, truth, and life; it is impossible to get to You, Father, apart from Him.

Teach me to cherish Jesus with all my heart. Teach me to love Him with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. Jesus is worthy of praise, honor, and glory. He came and died for me so I could be a member of Your kingdom. Thank You, Jesus.

“with eternal glory”

Thank You for the day when I will be with You for all eternity. I find that I am a pilgrim and stranger on the earth. The more I seek You, the more I feel out of place and homesick. You have told me that this world is not my home. You have called me to Your heavenly kingdom, and for that, I am thankful.

I look forward to the day when sin will be no more. Unfortunately, sin still torments me, and I cannot worship and love You as I should. I can get discouraged by this, and sometimes there seems to be no end. But You have told me that this light momentary affliction is preparing an eternal weight of glory beyond comparison for me.

Therefore, as I look to You and eagerly await the return of Christ, I pray that You would strengthen me this day to live for You while I am on the earth. Help me to be like Jesus and seek to make a difference.

“It is a faithful saying”

Your Word is faithful and true. There are no errors in Your Word. I am encouraged by the thought of hearing Your voice through Your Word. You have spoken faithfully, and I know that when I get confused, I can turn to Your Word to help me get back on track.

I pray that You will guide me through Your Word and help me during my devotional times. Sometimes I can feel dried out and dull. Sometimes I can be discouraged by life, and the worries of the day distract me. Help me to see You in the midst of the fog.

“For if we be dead with him”

Amid the challenges I face, I find hope in the fact that I have died with Christ. I have been united with Christ through the power of the Spirit. I am in Christ, and my Savior is in me. We have been joined together, and nothing can separate me from the love of Christ.

Sometimes I can focus too much on my personal experience rather than Your Word. I can allow my experience to dictate what is true. But the truth is important, and when I believe a lie, I will swerve off the path. Help me never to forget that I have been crucified with Christ and that I no longer live, but Jesus Christ lives in me. Please show me how to live the life of faith that Paul lived and be transformed from glory to glory.

“we shall also live with him”

My death in Christ promises resurrection, for what has happened to Jesus has and will happen to me because we are one. I have died with Jesus, and thus I have also risen with Him. However, my resurrection with Jesus has not been ultimately fulfilled. I am alive to You, Father, as Jesus is also alive to You. Jesus dwells with You in heaven, and incomprehensibly so do I.

Nevertheless, my bodily resurrection is a future event. One day I will be glorified as the corruptible puts on incorruptible and the mortal puts on immortality

“If we suffer, we shall also reign with him”

Jesus, You have told me that I will have tribulation in this life. You have said to me that I must deny myself and pick up my cross daily. Help me to endure my cross moments for my growth and Your glory. Teach me to look upon times of affliction through the lens of Scripture. I read that affliction produces character and steadfastness. However, I have been trained to avoid affliction rather than bear my cross. As a result, I can desire to give the cross back or even respond sinfully during challenging moments. Father, please help me to see that it is only through affliction that I will know the depths of what it means to be like Christ.

“if we deny him, he also will deny us”

Jesus, I pray that I will never deny You. My flesh wants to rise to my defense and say, “Although others would deny You, I never will.” However, I am reminded of Peter, who spoke the same words. Shortly after, I can see how he fell. Therefore, I know that I must stay near to You and seek You in prayer. Teach me what it means to be weak before You but to have Your all-sufficient grace as my strength each day.

“If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself”

Father, will You please increase my faith? May I never break faith but always go on believing. Please help me to go deep in my faith and not be satisfied with anything less. While I want to grow in my faith and glorify You, I am encouraged that when I fail, You remain faithful.

You have promised me that You will not let me go. You have told me that You hold me in the palms of Your hand. You have assured me that You will never leave me or forsake me. I believe in Your Word and promises and can be at peace amid a storm. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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