
The Importance Spiritual Healing, the Beginning of a New Life.

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1 John 1:9 says that the Lord is sincere and good in forgiving us of our sins and purifying us from wickedness if we repent and confess our sins to Him.

Titus 1:15. The Bible says everything is flawless to the pure, but nothing is refined to the perverted and unbelievers. Their thoughts and sense of right and wrong have been polluted.

What is forgiveness?

Forgiveness is a profound, personal act of initiating reconciliation. It is a choice to move forward and let go of the past to move into the future. Forgiveness is a way of putting all the bitterness and anger behind us and instead focusing on what matters most—love, joy, peace, friendship, family, and everything else that brings us happiness. Asking for forgiveness from God brings purity, freedom from burdens, and a path to peace. And when we forgive ourselves, it allows us to focus on our highest good and others. This highest good enables us to rise above our old hurts and negative emotions towards others. We then start living from a place of love instead of hate, which leads us down dark paths filled with self-loathing and bitterness.

What is purity?

Purity means an item or action is free of all contamination or impurities such as dirt or dust.

In the world of purity, there are three levels:

  • Physical purity means being free from diseases such as AIDS and cancer. The Bible says the land will be purified by fire if it does not repent (Joel 2:31).
  • Moral purity means being free from sin in our thoughts, words, and deeds. If people do not repent of their sins (Matthew 3:2), Jesus says they will not enter His kingdom (Mark 1:15).
  • Spiritual purity is freedom from sin in our hearts and from sin in our actions. We can’t please God if we are not free from all unrighteousness (Romans 8:7).

It’s important to remember that purity isn’t just about being clean or neat. It’s about how you think, act, and where your heart and mind are at any given time. Purity is an inside job: You have to be clean in your heart before being clean on the outside. In the Bible, purity refers to being without sin (1 Corinthians 6:19). It is the state of being free from anything that might taint or corrupt a person’s soul. Many references in Scripture speak to purity, but they all have one thing in common: they are concerned with the heart and soul of a person.

Some of the things we are told can defile our bodies include acts such as fornication, adultery, idolatry, eating things sacrificed to idols, participating in prostitution, false testimony, evil thoughts, slander, jealousy, sorcery, and use of drugs, among others (Galatians 5:19-21). And just like physical dirt can’t go unnoticed, so can impurities in your heart—or any other part of your body—be evident to others around you.

How can we maintain purity in our lives?

The first way is not to let your thoughts wander to inappropriate topics. This will help to keep your mind focused on what’s important and help you stay focused on the task at hand.

Another way to maintain purity is by being aware of our surroundings and avoiding people who are not suitable for us to be around. We should also avoid situations where we might be tempted to slack off or engage in impure thoughts.

The best way to cleanse ourselves of impurity and achieve purity is through self-purification. This means we must be willing to examine ourselves and accept our faults or blemishes. We should also take time out for prayer and meditation to clear our minds of any negative thoughts or feelings lingering there. Meditation helps us become more aware of how we feel about things in our everyday lives, which will help us make better decisions regarding how those feelings affect us when they arise again later on down the road.

At this point, you can see that forgiveness and purity are two things that depend on each other. When we ask for forgiveness from God, He mercifully cleanses us with the blood of Jesus Christ, which makes us pure. The good thing is that it’s all about maintaining a culture of prayer in our lives. Frequent prayers can be a comfort to our hearts and strength to our souls.

Let us take some time and pray for purity in our lives.

A prayer for our hearts

Psalm 51:10 God, develop a pure heart and renew the spirit of righteousness in me.

Mathew 5- 8 Happy are pure in heart since they will see God.

God, we know we are not worthy of you, but we humbly ask that you find it in your heart to purify our hearts. May we be more like You and more miniature like the world around us. Help us see the truth and let it guide us toward righteousness. May we be able to see those who are unlike us and treat them as You would treat them. Help us to love those who love You, even if they don’t love us back. May we always seek Your will above our own and be willing to sacrifice ourselves for those who need it most.

Oh God, we are here to praise you. We pray for your purification of our hearts. We pray that you will come into our lives and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. May your light shines through us so that others may see how bright and pure we are, just as you see it. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

A prayer for the renewing of the mind

Romans 12:2
Instead of following the rules of this world, change yourself by refreshing your thoughts. You should then be able to analyze and affirm God’s will, which is his good, pleasing, and perfect will.

Dear Lord,
I thank you for your presence and ask for your blessing on this day. I pray that you purify my mind of all impure thoughts and things. I pray you would cleanse my heart from the evil things within me.

We are overwhelmed by the world around us. We cannot control many things, and every day brings new challenges. We do not see how we can overcome these obstacles and remain faithful to you.
You are with us through everything, even when we cannot see it. We pray that you will purify our minds so that we may understand what is essential and what is not so that we may focus on what matters most to you. Let my thoughts be pure, and let me not entertain any sinful thoughts. Let me forget the past and never think of it again. Let me learn to forgive those who have hurt me. In Jesus Christ, I pray Amen.

A prayer for forgiveness’ and defeat the flesh

Almighty God,
You are the only true God. You have never changed, and you never will. Lord, I am sorry. I have sinned against you. I know that I have done things that are not good and that may have hurt others. Please forgive me for my sins

So we pray that you will purify our bodies so we can be worthy to enter your kingdom. Our bodies are your creation, and we must coexist with them.

Please help us to live in a way that glorifies you as we seek to be the best version of ourselves that we can be. May we learn from our mistakes and make healthy choices for our bodies and lives. Please bless us with wisdom and discernment as we seek your guidance on how to be good stewards of our bodies. We know that you are with us every step of the way and will never leave us alone or forsake us in need.

I pray for all those who are struggling in this life to find peace through Christ’s atonement for their sins. May they know that Christ loves them, and that He has suffered for them—that He has given Himself as an atonement for all mankind. In Jesus Christ do I pray Amen

Final epilogue

Purity is an important quality in a person. It is something that all people should strive to achieve. We can be cleansed through repentance and baptism. The first way is something we can do ourselves; the second way is something God does for us when we ask Him to help us through it. Pure people can help themselves, their family, and friends. So, I pray that you will let the light and love of God shine upon you so that you can be a better person and make other people happy too. Happy Living!

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