
Understanding Holy Wednesday

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Many important things happened on Holy Wednesday. When considering Passover Week, this particular day is often overlooked. It’s called many things. Some of the names you might hear it referred to are:

•Spy Wednesday
•Holy and Great Wednesday
•Good Wednesday

Regardless of what you call it, the significant events that happened on this day were an essential part of the story of Jesus death, burial, and resurrection. First and foremost, it’s the day that Jesus’ feet were anointed with a woman’s tears at Simon’s house, and it was also the day that Judas betrayed Jesus.

The Anointing of Jesus’ Feet

Jesus visited Simon’s house in Luke Chapter 37. They were relaxing after dinner, and all the sudden Mary of Bethany came in and fell at Jesus’ feet. She had a jar of anointing oil in her alabaster box, which in our time is worth about $50,000. She poured the oil over His feet and anointed them as she kissed them.

Some people were angry that this sinner woman touched the Master and voiced their rage. Judas said the precious oils could be sold and used to help the poor. The scripture in John 12:6 said that Judas didn’t care about the poor because he just wanted the money. Sadly, he was already stealing from Jesus and the common fund.

It touched the Master that the woman kissed and anointed His feet, which Jesus declared that it was a memorial to His burial and a memorial to the woman.

Judas Betrayal Was Key in Holy Wednesday

The sneakiness of Judas was well documented in scripture and having one of His disciples betray Him in this manner was devastating. This is where the term “spy” comes from when some people refer to this day.

The crowds were worshipping and praising Jesus during His infamous ride through the streets of Jerusalem on a donkey. This infuriated the Sanhedrin Courts and other religious leaders of the day, as they felt threatened by this outpouring of emotion. Judas Iscariot was also very jealous of Jesus, and He had no reason to be as he was one of the chosen disciples.

Plotting with the Sanhedrin Court, Judas agreed to betray the Lord and turn Him in to be arrested. According to Matthew 26:15, Judas was bribed for the mere price of only 30 pieces of silver. Today, this amount would be around $12,000 to $15,000. Can you imagine betraying the King of Kings for such a small amount?

Another slap to the Savior’s face was that this is the same price it cost someone to buy a female from slavery during that time. It meant that He was worth no more on the earth than the cost of an enslaved person. Judas devised a plan that whoever he kissed and said “Hail Master” to would be the man.

So, the Sanhedrin court gathers a mob to go arrest Jesus. Judas knows that He was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, so he led the mob to Him. While the mob was hiding, Judas approached Jesus, kissed Him on the cheek, and said, “Hail Master.”

In Matthew 26:47-56, Jesus looked at Judas and said, “Friend, would you betray Me with a kiss?” Even though He knew Judas was betraying Him, He still called him a friend. The mob came out, and Jesus asked one of the soldiers who they were seeking.

They stated they were looking for Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus simply said to the man, “I am He.” With those words, He was proclaiming Himself to be God the Great I am! The soldiers all fell backward immediately off their horses under the power of God.

In Luke 22:45-54, the apostle Peter was in a rage and stole one of the soldiers’ swords and cut off one of Malchus’s ears. Peter took out his fury on him because he was one of the servants of the High Priest Caiaphas. Jesus rebuked Peter and told him to put the sword away.

Then, Jesus reached down and got the ear and reattached it. From there, Jesus went to Pilot’s court, where He was read the charges against Him, which were all lies.

Prayers for Holy Wednesday

As you go through Holy Week and your Easter celebrations, here are a few prayers that you can use for Holy Wednesday. Many important things happened this day, so there is much to contemplate in your prayer time.

Prayer for Grief and Betrayal

Lord, I am incredibly touched by the events on Holy Wednesday. Being betrayed by a man you called friend was heartbreaking. He was the one who delivered you to the courts for your arrest.

Though I’ve never been through such events in my life, I do know what it’s like to be betrayed by a friend. The pain of such a loss can be catastrophic, let alone going through the beatings and suffering you did on the cross.

I am forever grateful for Your sacrifices to me that day. I want you to know that I won’t betray You or be afraid to tell anyone how much in love I am with You. I will praise Your great name daily. Amen

Prayer of Reverence

Jesus, one of the moments that stands out to me the most during Holy Week was when Mary anointed your feet with oils and dried them with her hair. Oh, to be there at Simon’s house that day as she poured her love for You from that alabaster box. I am sure that people around her thought she was losing her mind, but her pure love for You flowed from her tears.

Though I cannot wash your feet as Mary did, I can undoubtedly worship and praise you. My eyes fill with tears when I consider all you’ve done. Mary was quite blessed to be so close to you that she could do such an act. However, I will offer the sacrifices that I can with a heart of thanksgiving, as I bless thee oh Lord. Amen

Prayer for Rough Times

Almighty God, I know the road down here is rough sometimes. I am so blessed to know you’re walking with me. There are days when my world is so dark that I can’t even see the sunshine through the trees, but still, I know you’re with me.

Every valley that I walk through in service of You, I understand more and more. You were forsaken, rejected by your friends, and suffered a horrible death. Indeed, I can make it through whatever I am going through because you’ve already been here. Amen

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Holy Wednesday is just another reminder of the significant love you showed to everyone around you. Even when Judas betrayed you and kissed your cheek, You still called him a friend. It lets me know that you are still by my side when I am not the best person and do things that upset you.

I am thankful for your overwhelming love. I certainly don’t deserve it, but neither did Judas. Even when Peter got angry in your defense and cut off the ear of Malchus, you fixed the issue and moved on. I am so glad that I have a Savior like you that knows my faults and failures and loves me still. Amen

Prayer for Patience

Thank you, Lord, for another Wednesday that I am alive on this earth. Sometimes I get so caught up in my tomorrow that I forget to calm down and consider today. I need to learn to be still in your presence Lord, and not be in such a hurry.

Teach me to enter a holy rest and show me how important this is for my spiritual and mental wellbeing. The true refreshment that only comes from You is what I long for in my life. I know that each season of my life is different and essential, but it reminds me that everything works together for my good.

Sometimes, Lord, I fall into spiritual ruts, and my flesh is weak. Teach me to be patient and wait for the seasons to change and my circumstances to alter. I want to live each day for you to the fullest and see you soon in your second coming. Amen

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