
What Does the Bible Say About Speaking in Tongues?

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Out of all the gifts of the Spirit outlined in 1 Corinthians chapter 12, there are none more hotly debated than the gift of tongues. Many people believe that it only refers to the ability to speak foreign languages, while others have labeled it as the pinnacle of the charismatic gifts. The truth about this supernatural gift of the Holy Spirit actually lies somewhere in between. In order to truly understand as much as possible about the gift of tongues, let’s look to Scripture.

When you read about the gifts of the Spirit that are outlined in Scripture, there are some that are relatively easy to understand. Things such as prophecy, wisdom, and healing are straightforward in nature. However, there are other gifts listed that are more confusing by nature. Some of the gifts of the Spirit are the topics of intense debate. Out of those gifts, there are none that are more hotly debated than the gift of tongues.

Depending on the type of church that you attend and your own personal religious background, you may have seen the gift of tongues commonly used in church services. It’s not uncommon for charismatic churches to openly practice the gifts of tongues and interpretation. However, if you don’t have a familiarity with these gifts, it’s easy to become scared when you see them.

None of the gifts of the Holy Spirit are intended to scare anyone. God is not the creator of fear. Instead, each of the gifts have a place in the Church today. Conversely, it’s important that the gifts of the Spirit be used in a way that aligns with Scripture. If you’ve had questions about the gifts of tongues and interpretation, don’t feel bad. Many people have questions concerning them. Fortunately, we can look to Scripture to find the answers that we need.

What Happened on the Day of Pentecost?

Acts 2:1-4 (TPT)
One the day Pentecost was being fulfilled, all the disciples were gathered in one place. Suddenly they heard the sound of a violent blast of wind rushing into the house from out of the heavenly realm. The roar of the wind was so overpowering it was all anyone could bear! Then all at once a pillar of fire appeared before their eyes. It separated into tongues of fire that engulfed each one of them. They were all filled and equipped with the Holy Spirit and were inspired to speak in tongues-empowered by the Spirit to speak in languages they had never learned!

The Day of Pentecost is the first time that we have a recorded account of God’s people speaking in tongues. Since this is considered the “starting point” of the gift of tongues, it’s important to understand what happened here.

The story that is told here is a literal one. This is not a part of the Bible that is filled with symbolism. The Day of Pentecost that took place in Acts 2 is a singular event in Church history. There is no reason to believe that people have to have the same type of experience in order to receive the gift of tongues that the believers received on this Pentecost. However, the gift that they received is still available to us.

The events that transpired on the Day of Pentecost set the stage for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the gift of tongues from that day forward. The Spirit came in like a rushing wind, there were tongues of fire that supernaturally appeared, and each person in attendance began to speak in tongues.

Is the Gift of Tongues Still Valid Today?

1 Corinthians 14:39-40 (TPT)
So, beloved friends, with all this in mind, be passionate to prophesy and don’t forbid anyone from speaking in tongues, doing all things in a beautiful and orderly way.

There are multiple “camps” when it comes to the gift of tongues, which is contrary to God’s will. He does not want His people divided over the truths contained in His Word. There are some people who believe that a person is not truly saved unless they speak in tongues. There is absolutely no Biblical proof to hold to that line of thinking. The evidence is simply not there. However, there are others who preach, teach, and believe that every gift of the Spirit listed in Scripture are no longer active. These people, who are referred to as cessationists, believe that the gifts of the Spirit stopped operating with the death of the last New Testament apostle. Much like the first group that we discussed, there is no Scriptural evidence for this line of thinking either. There is not one verse that says that the gifts of the Spirit died at the end of the New Testament.

Take a look at the verses we just read. Paul said, “don’t forbid anyone from speaking in tongues.” If we don’t believe that this verse applies today, we cannot reasonably say that any of the other words that Paul wrote apply today. If you discard 1 Corinthians 14:39-40 from your Bible, you have to discard everything. Yes, the gift of tongues is still valid for believers today.

Is the Gift of Tongues an Inferior Gift?

1 Corinthians 14:1-3 (TPT)
It is good that you are enthusiastic and passionate about spiritual gifts, especially prophecy. When someone speaks in tongues, no one understands a word he says, because he’s not speaking to people, but to God-he is speaking intimate mysteries in the Spirit. But when someone prophesies, he speaks to encourage people, to build them up, and to bring them comfort.

Those who believe that the gift of tongues is no longer available often point to this passage in an attempt to diminish its importance. They believe that since Paul said when a person speaks in tongues, no one else understands him, that it must mean that tongues doesn’t matter. Paul never said that.

The words that Paul wrote here are not an indictment against tongues. Instead, it’s simply a differentiation of how the gift of tongues works in contrast to the gift of prophecy. Self-edification is not a bad thing. In fact, the Bible talks about how important it is to encourage yourself. Paul saying that tongues is for self-edification while prophecy is for the edification of others doesn’t mean that the gift of tongues is an inferior gift. Instead, it just means that it has a different purpose.

How Do I Get the Gift of Tongues?

1 Corinthians 12:10 (TPT)
And to another the power to work miracles. And to another the gift of prophecy. And to another the gift to discern what the Spirit is speaking. And to another the gift of speaking different kinds of tongues. And to another the gift of interpretation of tongues.

This is one of the most commonly asked questions about the gift of tongues. We often hear or see others speaking in tongues and wonder how we get that gift for ourselves. There is no clearly defined method recorded in the Bible that discusses how exactly God imparts gifts to His people. While we only read verse 10, all of the gifts of the Spirit are recorded in 1 Corinthians 12:7-10. God gives these gifts to His people at His own discretion.

There is nothing in the Bible that says, “If you do this, God will give you the gift of tongues.” However, we know that He is a loving, giving, generous Father, and He wants His people to have the desires of their heart, if those desires align with His will.

If you want the gift of tongues or the gift of interpretation, begin asking God for it. Look for things in your life that could be hindering you from receiving everything that God has for you. He will give you the gifts that He knows you can handle.

A Closing Prayer:

Father, Thank You for giving us gifts. Thank You for allowing those gifts to still be active today. I am asking to receive the gift of tongues, and any other spiritual gift that You would impart to me. Help me, fill me, and use me. In Christ’s name, Amen.

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